GRE Word List


having or involving many sexual partners : not restricted to one sexual partner or few sexual partners

The meaning of the word promiscuous is having or involving many sexual partners : not restricted to one sexual partner or few sexual partners.

Random words

computeto determine especially by mathematical means
succulentfull of juice : juicy
despoilto strip of belongings, possessions, or value : pillage
quandarya state of perplexity or doubt
gapeto open the mouth wide
direexciting horror
regaleto entertain sumptuously : feast with delicacies
astigmatisma defect of an optical system (such as a lens) causing rays from a point to fail to meet in a focal point resulting in a blurred and imperfect image
colloquialused in or characteristic of familiar and informal conversation
lapa loose overlapping or hanging panel or flap especially of a garment