GRE Word List


suffused with light : luminous

The meaning of the word lucid is suffused with light : luminous.

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xenophobiafear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign
discomposeto destroy the composure of
opiatean alkaloid drug (such as morphine or codeine) that contains or is derived from opium, binds to cell receptors primarily of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, acts to block pain, induce sedation or sleep, depress respiration, and produce calmness or euphoria, and is associated with physiological tolerance (see tolerance
forerunnerone that precedes and indicates the approach of another: such as
incoherentlacking coherence: such as
tangiblecapable of being perceived especially by the sense of touch : palpable
ventilateto expose to air and especially to a current of fresh air for purifying, curing, or refreshing
hueoverall character or appearance to the mind : complexion