GRE Word List


to evade the point of an argument by caviling about words

The meaning of the word quibble is to evade the point of an argument by caviling about words.

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recapitulateto retell or restate briefly : summarize
undertakerone who undertakes : one who takes the risk and management of business : entrepreneur
meekenduring injury with patience and without resentment : mild
ingratiateto gain favor or favorable acceptance for by deliberate effort
botchan inflammatory sore
esotericdesigned for or understood by the specially initiated alone
menacea show of intention to inflict harm : threat
chantto make melodic sounds with the voice
travestya debased, distorted, or grossly inferior imitation
simplisticexcessively simple or simplified : treating a problem or subject with false simplicity by omitting or ignoring complicating factors or details