GRE Word List


incapable of being surmounted, overcome, passed over, or solved

The meaning of the word insuperable is incapable of being surmounted, overcome, passed over, or solved.

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affidavita sworn statement in writing made especially under oath or on affirmation (see affirmation
rotundaa round building
ascertainto find out or learn with certainty
proximitythe quality or state of being proximate : closeness
wallowto roll oneself about in a lazy, relaxed, or ungainly manner
commodiouscomfortably or conveniently spacious : roomy
metaphora figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (as in drowning in money)
exorciseto expel (an evil spirit) by adjuration
suppressto put down by authority or force : subdue
adornto enhance the appearance of especially with beautiful objects