GRE Word List


to soothe or mollify especially by concessions : appease

The meaning of the word placate is to soothe or mollify especially by concessions : appease.

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odiumthe state or fact of being subjected to hatred and contempt as a result of a despicable act or blameworthy circumstance
capacitylegal competency (see competence
courtthe residence or establishment of a sovereign or similar dignitary
aphasialoss or impairment of the power to use or comprehend words usually resulting from brain damage (as from a stroke, head injury, or infection)
witlessdestitute of wit or understanding : foolish
mata piece of coarse, woven, plaited, or felted fabric used especially as a floor covering or a support
zealota zealous person
continencethe ability to retain a bodily discharge voluntarily
scoffan expression of scorn, derision, or contempt : gibe
jocularsaid or done as a joke : characterized by jesting : playful