GRE Word List


to inscribe or adorn with or as if with heraldic bearings or devices

The meaning of the word emblazon is to inscribe or adorn with or as if with heraldic bearings or devices.

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devoidbeing without a usual, typical, or expected attribute or accompaniment
subornto induce secretly to do an unlawful thing
consensusgeneral agreement : unanimity
adjutanta staff officer in the army, air force, or marine corps who assists the commanding officer and is responsible especially for correspondence
germinalbeing in the earliest stage of development
impairto diminish in function, ability, or quality : to weaken or make worse
quibbleto evade the point of an argument by caviling about words
flashylacking in substance or flavor : insipid
hypnosisa trancelike state that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject
undertakerone who undertakes : one who takes the risk and management of business : entrepreneur