GRE Word List


a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or person

The meaning of the word partisan is a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or person.

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elucidateto make lucid especially by explanation or analysis
oozea soft deposit (as of mud, slime, or shells) on the bottom of a body of water
jumbleto move in a confused or disordered manner
levythe imposition or collection of an assessment
blunderto move unsteadily or confusedly
emendto correct usually by textual alterations
contusioninjury to tissue usually without laceration : bruise
doctrinea principle or position or the body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief : dogma
parablea usually short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle
irreparablenot reparable : irremediable