GRE Word List


acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin

The meaning of the word righteous is acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin.

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instigateto goad or urge forward : provoke
infirmitythe quality or state of being infirm
fumbleto grope for or handle something clumsily or aimlessly
besiegeto surround with armed forces
unmitigatednot lessened : unrelieved
grandiloquenta lofty, extravagantly colorful, pompous, or bombastic style, manner, or quality especially in language
tridenta 3-pronged spear serving in classical mythology as the attribute of a sea god (such as Neptune)
vyingcontending; to strive for superiority
waylayto lie in wait for or attack (someone) from ambush
sophomoricconceited and overconfident of knowledge but poorly informed and immature