GRE Word List


a state of bafflement or perplexity : quandary

The meaning of the word nonplus is a state of bafflement or perplexity : quandary.

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enigmasomething hard to understand or explain
effectuateto cause or bring about (something) : to put (something) into effect or operation : effect
conceptionthe process of becoming pregnant involving fertilization or implantation or both
militiaa part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call only in emergency
ingenioushaving or showing an unusual aptitude for discovering, inventing, or contriving
clemencydisposition to be merciful and especially to moderate the severity of punishment due
predicamentthe character, status, or classification assigned by a predication
convictionthe act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law
annuitya sum of money payable yearly or at other regular intervals