GRE Word List


occurring over a wide geographic area (such as multiple countries or continents) and typically affecting a significant proportion of the population

The meaning of the word pandemic is occurring over a wide geographic area (such as multiple countries or continents) and typically affecting a significant proportion of the population.

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venerablecalling forth respect through age, character, and attainments
maxima general truth, fundamental principle, or rule of conduct
monasticof or relating to monasteries or to monks or nuns
pedagogythe art, science, or profession of teaching
erroneouscontaining or characterized by error : mistaken
ameliorateto make better or more tolerable
refulgenta radiant or resplendent quality or state : brilliance
homeostasisa relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group
orificean opening (such as a vent, mouth, or hole) through which something may pass