GRE Word List


arousing or deserving hatred or repugnance : hateful

The meaning of the word odious is arousing or deserving hatred or repugnance : hateful.

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egotismexcessive use of the first person singular personal pronoun
rusticateto go into or reside in the country : follow a rustic life
distantseparated in space : away
stoica member of a school of philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium about 300 b.c.
induceto move by persuasion or influence
indignationanger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean
nauticalof, relating to, or associated with seamen, navigation, or ships
patoisa dialect other than the standard or literary dialect
automatona mechanism that is relatively self-operating
coymarked by cute, coquettish, or artful playfulness