GRE Word List


difficult to guide, manage, or work with : unruly

The meaning of the word untoward is difficult to guide, manage, or work with : unruly.

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cantankerousdifficult or irritating to deal with
misogynista person who hates or discriminates against women : a misogynistic person
indicessigns; indications; Ex. indices of a student's potential; CF. index: something that reveals or indicates; sign; Ex. cost-of-living index
sylvanone that frequents groves or woods
limboan abode of souls that are according to Roman Catholic theology barred from heaven because of not having received Christian baptism
polaritythe quality or condition inherent in a body that exhibits opposite properties or powers in opposite parts or directions or that exhibits contrasted properties or powers in contrasted parts or directions : the condition of having poles
confidencea feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances
paranoiamental illness characterized by systematized delusions of persecution or grandeur usually without hallucinations
inveigleto win over by wiles : entice
collateto compare critically