GRE Word List


wet spongy earth (as of a bog or marsh)

The meaning of the word mire is wet spongy earth (as of a bog or marsh).

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irrevocablenot possible to revoke : unalterable
repertoirea list or supply of dramas, operas, pieces, or parts that a company or person is prepared to perform
torsothe human body apart from the head, neck, arms, and legs : the human trunk
receptiveable or inclined to receive
blatantnoisy especially in a vulgar or offensive manner : clamorous
preciseexactly or sharply defined or stated
swathea band used in swathing
camaraderiea spirit of friendly good-fellowship
nadirthe point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the zenith and vertically downward from the observer
indomitableincapable of being subdued : unconquerable