GRE Word List


the route of a journey or tour or the proposed outline of one

The meaning of the word itinerary is the route of a journey or tour or the proposed outline of one.

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feignto give a false appearance of : induce as a false impression
restraintan act of restraining : the state of being restrained
similea figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by like or as (as in cheeks like roses) compare metaphor
promontorya high point of land or rock projecting into a body of water
bequeathto give or leave by will (see will
withstandto stand up against : oppose with firm determination
bravehaving or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty : having or showing courage
prognosticateto foretell from signs or symptoms : predict
riveta headed pin or bolt of metal used for uniting two or more pieces by passing the shank through a hole in each piece and then beating or pressing down the plain end so as to make a second head