GRE Word List


a friend of Odysseus entrusted with the education of Odysseus' son Telemachus

The meaning of the word mentor is a friend of Odysseus entrusted with the education of Odysseus' son Telemachus.

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capaciouscontaining or capable of containing a great deal
beseechto beg for urgently or anxiously
degeneratehaving declined or become less specialized (as in nature, character, structure, or function) from an ancestral or former state
intelligentsiaintellectuals who form an artistic, social, or political vanguard or elite
lotan object used as a counter in determining a question by chance see also throw in one's lot with
succulentfull of juice : juicy
disgorgeto discharge by the throat and mouth : vomit
ponderousof very great weight
fretto eat or gnaw into : corrode