GRE Word List


to lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem

The meaning of the word abase is to lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem.

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fuss:trouble or worry over trifles; make nervous; pay too much attention to; N: needless concern or worry (about a trivial thing); anxious nervous condition; display of attention; Ex. make a fuss over the baby
chisela metal tool with a sharpened edge at one end used to chip, carve, or cut into a solid material (such as wood, stone, or metal)
legerdemainsleight of hand
dormera window set vertically in a structure projecting through a sloping roof
ascribeto refer to a supposed cause, source, or author : to say or think that (something) is caused by, comes from, or is associated with a particular person or thing
rentproperty (such as a house) rented or for rent
underscoreto draw a line under : underline
stipulateto make an agreement or covenant to do or forbear something : contract
cohesionthe act or state of sticking together tightly