GRE Word List


to excite or stupefy by alcohol or a drug especially to the point where physical and mental control is markedly diminished

The meaning of the word intoxicate is to excite or stupefy by alcohol or a drug especially to the point where physical and mental control is markedly diminished.

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shunto avoid deliberately and especially habitually
uproara state of commotion, excitement, or violent disturbance
swelterto suffer, sweat, or be faint from heat
incapacitateto deprive of capacity or natural power : disable
addressto mark directions for delivery on
knella stroke or sound of a bell especially when rung slowly (as for a death, funeral, or disaster)
ardoran often restless or transitory warmth of feeling
legenda story coming down from the past
glowerto look or stare with sullen annoyance or anger
queruloushabitually complaining