GRE Word List


not conducive to health : unwholesome

The meaning of the word insalubrious is not conducive to health : unwholesome.

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filigreeornamental work especially of fine wire of gold, silver, or copper applied chiefly to gold and silver surfaces
padrea Christian clergyman
refractiondeflection from a straight path undergone by a light ray or energy wave in passing obliquely from one medium (such as air) into another (such as glass) in which its velocity is different
nattytrimly neat and tidy : smart
malicioushaving or showing a desire to cause harm to someone : given to, marked by, or arising from malice
subversivethe act of subverting : the state of being subverted
cuethe letter q
discomfitto put into a state of perplexity and embarrassment : disconcert
precincta part of a territory with definite bounds or functions often established for administrative purposes : district
fidelitythe quality or state of being faithful