GRE Word List


showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness

The meaning of the word ingenuous is showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness.

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embitterto excite bitter feelings in
indignityan act that offends against a person's dignity or self-respect : insult
simplisticexcessively simple or simplified : treating a problem or subject with false simplicity by omitting or ignoring complicating factors or details
jesta joking or mocking remark
maladroitlacking adroitness : inept
falsifyto prove or declare false : disprove
indifferentmarked by a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern for something : apathetic
cantoone of the major divisions of a long poem
homeostasisa relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group