GRE Word List


said or done as a joke : characterized by jesting : playful

The meaning of the word jocular is said or done as a joke : characterized by jesting : playful.

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nauseaa stomach distress with distaste for food and an urge to vomit
conciliatoryintended to gain goodwill or favor or to reduce hostility : tending or intended to conciliate
sonorousproducing sound (as when struck)
filthfoul or putrid matter
shudderto tremble convulsively : shiver
reconnaissancea preliminary survey to gain information
yeomanan attendant or officer in a royal or noble household
toadyone who flatters in the hope of gaining favors : sycophant
absolutefree from imperfection : perfect
gyroscopea wheel or disk mounted to spin rapidly about an axis and also free to rotate about one or both of two axes perpendicular to each other and to the axis of spin so that a rotation of one of the two mutually perpendicular axes results from application of torque to the other when the wheel is spinning and so that the entire apparatus offers considerable opposition depending on the angular momentum to any torque that would change the direction of the axis of spin