GRE Word List


not open to question : indisputable

The meaning of the word incontrovertible is not open to question : indisputable.

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tolla tax or fee paid for some liberty or privilege (as of passing over a highway or bridge)
incidencerate of occurrence or influence
ordinationthe act or an instance of ordaining : the state of being ordained
dermatologista branch of medicine dealing with the skin, its structure, functions, and diseases
corrosivetending or having the power to corrode
truisman undoubted or self-evident truth
institutionalizeto make into an institution : give character of an institution to
crevicea narrow opening resulting from a split or crack (as in a cliff) : fissure
coaxto influence or gently urge by caressing or flattering : wheedle
stultifyto have a dulling or inhibiting effect on