GRE Word List


incapable of being intimidated or subdued : fearless

The meaning of the word dauntless is incapable of being intimidated or subdued : fearless.

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supposititiousfraudulently substituted : spurious
virusany of a large group of submicroscopic infectious agents that are usually regarded as nonliving extremely complex molecules, that typically contain a protein coat surrounding an RNA or DNA core of genetic material but no semipermeable membrane, that are capable of growth and multiplication only in living cells, and that cause various important diseases in humans, animals, and plants
ventureto proceed especially in the face of danger
clamornoisy shouting
alloythe degree of mixture with base metals : fineness
lustrousreflecting light evenly and efficiently without glitter or sparkle
exhaleto rise or be given off as vapor
high-flownexceedingly or excessively high or favorable
agapewide open : gaping
funerealof or relating to a funeral