GRE Word List


troublesomely urgent : overly persistent in request or demand

The meaning of the word importunate is troublesomely urgent : overly persistent in request or demand.

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adverseacting against or in a contrary direction : hostile
rabiesan acute virus disease of the nervous system of mammals that is caused by a rhabdovirus (species Rabies virus of the genus Lyssavirus) usually transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal and that is characterized typically by increased salivation, abnormal behavior, and eventual paralysis and death when untreated
tremora trembling or shaking usually from physical weakness, emotional stress, or disease
simianof, relating to, or resembling monkeys or apes
benefactorsomeone or something that provides help or an advantage : one that confers a benefit
clairvoyanthaving clairvoyance : able to see beyond the range of ordinary perception
constraintthe act of constraining
genusa class, kind, or group marked by common characteristics or by one common characteristic
spartana native or inhabitant of ancient Sparta
forthrightfree from ambiguity or evasiveness : going straight to the point