GRE Word List


having convolutions

The meaning of the word convoluted is having convolutions.

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painstakingtaking pains : expending, showing, or involving diligent care and effort
derivationthe formation of a word from another word or base (as by the addition of a usually noninflectional affix)
mustyimpaired by damp or mildew : moldy
snipa small piece that is snipped off
decapitateto cut off the head of : behead
demographicthe statistical characteristics of human populations (such as age or income) used especially to identify markets
peerone that is of equal standing with another : equal
draconianof, relating to, or characteristic of Draco or the severe code of laws held to have been framed by him
cholericeasily moved to often unreasonable or excessive anger : hot-tempered
insubordinationdisobedient to authority