GRE Word List


the state of being interfered with, held back, or slowed down : the state of being hindered

The meaning of the word hindrance is the state of being interfered with, held back, or slowed down : the state of being hindered.

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suavitysmoothly though often superficially gracious and sophisticated
veracityconformity with truth or fact : accuracy
ascertainto find out or learn with certainty
plagiarizeto steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source
leniencythe quality or state of being lenient
smeara viscous or sticky substance
frockan outer garment worn by monks and friars : habit
emancipateto free from restraint, control, or the power of another
demolitionthe act of demolishing
acknowledgeto recognize the rights, authority, or status of