GRE Word List


the right or license granted to an individual or group to market a company's goods or services in a particular territory

The meaning of the word franchise is the right or license granted to an individual or group to market a company's goods or services in a particular territory.

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engagedinvolved in activity : occupied
standstilla state characterized by absence of motion or of progress : stop
indiscriminatenot marked by careful distinction : deficient in discrimination and discernment
credentialwarranting credit or confidence
largessliberal giving (as of money) to or as if to an inferior
coteriean intimate and often exclusive group of persons with a unifying common interest or purpose
imponderablenot ponderable : incapable of being weighed or evaluated with exactness
conducivetending to promote or assist
waifa stray person or animal
metamorphosischange of physical form, structure, or substance especially by supernatural means