GRE Word List


a noisy quarrel : brawl

The meaning of the word fracas is a noisy quarrel : brawl.

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emissaryone designated as the agent of another : representative
fermentationthe enzyme-catalyzed anaerobic breakdown of an energy-rich compound (such as a carbohydrate to carbon dioxide and alcohol or to an organic acid) by the action of microorganisms (such as bacteria or yeast) that occurs naturally and is commonly used in the production of various products (such as food, alcoholic beverages, and pharmaceuticals) especially by controlling microbial enzymatic activity
irremediablenot remediable
spurnto reject with disdain or contempt : scorn
feintsomething feigned
monographa learned treatise on a small area of learning
subversivethe act of subverting : the state of being subverted
sonorousproducing sound (as when struck)
remoteseparated by an interval or space greater than usual