GRE Word List


a usually slight or pale coloration : hue

The meaning of the word tint is a usually slight or pale coloration : hue.

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bigotryobstinate or intolerant devotion to one's own opinions and prejudices : the state of mind of a bigot
fraughtfull of or accompanied by something specified
founderone that founds or establishes
fusionthe act or process of liquefying or rendering plastic by heat
unguenta soothing or healing salve : ointment
insomniaprolonged and usually abnormal inability to get enough sleep especially due to trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
colossalof, relating to, or resembling a colossus
maverickan unbranded range animal
badgerany of various burrowing mammals (especially Taxidea taxus and Meles meles) of the weasel family that are widely distributed in the northern hemisphere
halfheartedlacking heart, spirit, or interest