GRE Word List


offensive to the senses : loathsome

The meaning of the word foul is offensive to the senses : loathsome.

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maculatedmarked with spots : blotched
fruitfulyielding or producing fruit
clairvoyanthaving clairvoyance : able to see beyond the range of ordinary perception
shamblesa meat market
inerrancyexemption from error : infallibility
effervescencethe property of forming bubbles : the action or process of effervescing
actuarialof or relating to actuaries
impotentnot potent : lacking in power, strength, or vigor : helpless
solventable to pay all legal debts
phariseea member of a Jewish sect of the intertestamental period noted for strict observance of rites and ceremonies of the written law and for insistence on the validity of their own oral traditions concerning the law