GRE Word List


something forfeited or subject to being forfeited (as for a crime, offense, or neglect of duty) : penalty

The meaning of the word forfeit is something forfeited or subject to being forfeited (as for a crime, offense, or neglect of duty) : penalty.

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circumlocutionthe use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea
bleakexposed and barren and often windswept
skiffany of various small boats
expediteto accelerate the process or progress of : speed up
diffusebeing at once verbose and ill-organized
rotunditymarked by roundness : rounded
obliqueneither perpendicular nor parallel : inclined
parablea usually short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle
annealto heat and then cool (a material, such as steel or glass) usually for softening and making less brittle
elysianof or relating to Elysium