GRE Word List


to give support or relief to

The meaning of the word sustain is to give support or relief to.

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iconoclastica person who attacks settled beliefs or institutions
ovoidresembling an egg in shape : ovate
outwitto get the better of by superior cleverness : outsmart
eddya current of water or air running contrary to the main current
expatiateto move about freely or at will : wander
stemthe main trunk of a plant
shootto eject or impel or cause to be ejected or impelled by a sudden release of tension (as of a bowstring or slingshot or by a flick of a finger)
derangedmentally unsound : crazy
antecedentsa substantive word, phrase, or clause whose denotation is referred to by a pronoun that typically follows the substantive (such as John in "Mary saw John and called to him")