GRE Word List


marked by flawless craftsmanship or by beautiful, ingenious, delicate, or elaborate execution

The meaning of the word exquisite is marked by flawless craftsmanship or by beautiful, ingenious, delicate, or elaborate execution.

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obeisancea movement of the body made in token of respect or submission : bow
sundryincluding many things of different kinds : miscellaneous
pronehaving a tendency or inclination : being likely
chauvinistan attitude of superiority toward members of the opposite sex
interiman intervening time : interval
exodusthe mainly narrative second book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture see Bible Table
drollhaving a humorous, whimsical, or odd quality
epica long narrative poem in elevated style recounting the deeds of a legendary or historical hero
incendiaryigniting combustible materials spontaneously
remoteseparated by an interval or space greater than usual