GRE Word List


to regard or treat (something bad or blameworthy) as acceptable, forgivable, or harmless

The meaning of the word condone is to regard or treat (something bad or blameworthy) as acceptable, forgivable, or harmless.

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exceptwith the exclusion or exception of
certitudethe state of being or feeling certain
subornto induce secretly to do an unlawful thing
tarryto delay or be tardy in acting or doing
alluvialrelating to, composed of, or found in alluvium
spoilsportone who spoils the sport or pleasure of others
glossyhaving a surface luster or brightness
undertakerone who undertakes : one who takes the risk and management of business : entrepreneur
barristera counsel admitted to plead at the bar and undertake the public trial of causes in an English superior court compare solicitor
haphazardmarked by lack of plan, order, or direction