GRE Word List


to strive to attain : pursue

The meaning of the word ensue is to strive to attain : pursue.

Random words

figmentsomething made up or contrived
penchanta strong and continued inclination
plethoraan ample amount or number : abundance
comprehensivecovering completely or broadly : inclusive
fashionthe prevailing style (as in dress) during a particular time
exhaleto rise or be given off as vapor
paritythe quality or state of being equal or equivalent
malodoroushaving a bad odor
irateroused to ire
etymologythe history of a linguistic form (such as a word) shown by tracing its development since its earliest recorded occurrence in the language where it is found, by tracing its transmission from one language to another, by analyzing it into its component parts, by identifying its cognates in other languages, or by tracing it and its cognates to a common ancestral form in an ancestral language