GRE Word List


a distinct territorial, cultural, or social unit enclosed within or as if within foreign territory

The meaning of the word enclave is a distinct territorial, cultural, or social unit enclosed within or as if within foreign territory.

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recantto withdraw or repudiate (a statement or belief) formally and publicly : renounce
catharticof, relating to, or producing catharsis
dappledmarked with small spots or patches contrasting with the background
unguenta soothing or healing salve : ointment
culminationthe action of culminating
magisterialof, relating to, or having the characteristics of a master or teacher : authoritative
genrea category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content
masqueradea social gathering of persons wearing masks and often fantastic costumes
enmitypositive, active, and typically mutual hatred or ill will
unassumingnot assuming : modest