GRE Word List


mentally adroit and skillful : clever

The meaning of the word dexterous is mentally adroit and skillful : clever.

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plebeiana member of the Roman plebs
viscidhaving an adhesive quality : sticky
tethera line (as of rope or chain) by which an animal is fastened so as to restrict its range of movement
impotentnot potent : lacking in power, strength, or vigor : helpless
capitulateto surrender often after negotiation of terms
rostruman ancient Roman platform for public orators
negateto deny the existence or truth of
sextantan instrument for measuring angular distances used especially in navigation to observe altitudes of celestial bodies (as in ascertaining latitude and longitude)
indecisivemarked by or prone to indecision : irresolute
shadecomparative darkness or obscurity owing to interception of the rays of light