GRE Word List


to mislead the mind or judgment of : deceive

The meaning of the word delude is to mislead the mind or judgment of : deceive.

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irateroused to ire
cankeran erosive or spreading sore
repertoirea list or supply of dramas, operas, pieces, or parts that a company or person is prepared to perform
witticisma cleverly witty and often biting or ironic remark
sallowany of several Old World broad-leaved willows (such as Salix caprea) including important sources of charcoal and tanbark
consecratededicated to a sacred purpose
decrepitudethe quality or state of being decrepit
moleculethe smallest particle of a substance that retains all the properties (see property
defaultfailure to do something required by duty or law : neglect
psychosisa serious mental illness (such as schizophrenia) characterized by defective or lost contact with reality often with hallucinations or delusions