GRE Word List


not openly shown, engaged in, or avowed : veiled

The meaning of the word covert is not openly shown, engaged in, or avowed : veiled.

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encroachmentto enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another
impedeto interfere with or slow the progress of
fathoma unit of length equal to six feet (1.83 meters) used especially for measuring the depth of water
caliberdegree of mental capacity or moral quality
trystan agreement (as between lovers) to meet
snuffleto snuff or sniff usually audibly and repeatedly
prosceniumthe stage of an ancient Greek or Roman theater
plumba lead weight attached to a line and used to indicate a vertical direction
wrinklea small ridge or furrow especially when formed on a surface by the shrinking or contraction of a smooth substance : crease
prolificproducing young or fruit especially freely : fruitful