GRE Word List


a raised platform (as in a hall or large room)

The meaning of the word dais is a raised platform (as in a hall or large room).

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psychosomaticof, relating to, concerned with, or involving both mind and body
mobilecapable of moving or being moved : movable
perorationthe concluding part of a discourse and especially an oration
worldlyof, relating to, or devoted to this world and its pursuits rather than to religion or spiritual affairs
carata unit of fineness for gold equal to ยน/โ‚‚โ‚„ part of pure gold in an alloy
halfheartedlacking heart, spirit, or interest
slywise in practical affairs
condescendto assume an air of superiority
jocularsaid or done as a joke : characterized by jesting : playful
venturesomeinclined to court or incur risk or danger : daring