GRE Word List


empty boasting

The meaning of the word braggadocio is empty boasting.

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cognizancea distinguishing mark or emblem (such as a heraldic bearing)
effulgentradiant splendor : brilliance
dripto let fall in drops
anestheticof, relating to, or capable of producing anesthesia
vivisectionthe cutting of or operation on a living animal usually for physiological or pathological investigation
rusticateto go into or reside in the country : follow a rustic life
doggerelloosely styled and irregular in measure especially for burlesque or comic effect
supplecompliant often to the point of obsequiousness
gyroscopea wheel or disk mounted to spin rapidly about an axis and also free to rotate about one or both of two axes perpendicular to each other and to the axis of spin so that a rotation of one of the two mutually perpendicular axes results from application of torque to the other when the wheel is spinning and so that the entire apparatus offers considerable opposition depending on the angular momentum to any torque that would change the direction of the axis of spin
atoneto make amends : to provide or serve as reparation or compensation for something bad or unwelcome