GRE Word List


given to crotchets (see crotchet

The meaning of the word crotchety is given to crotchets (see crotchet.

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besmirchto cause harm or damage to the purity, luster, or beauty of (something) : sully
mustyimpaired by damp or mildew : moldy
obloquya strongly condemnatory utterance : abusive language
galaxymilky way galaxy
encircleto form a circle around : surround
pulsateto throb or move rhythmically : vibrate
pessimisman inclination to emphasize adverse aspects, conditions, and possibilities or to expect the worst possible outcome
aberrantdeviating from the usual or natural type : atypical
conformitycorrespondence in form, manner, or character : agreement
subsidya grant or gift of money: such as