GRE Word List


of, relating to, or causing death

The meaning of the word lethal is of, relating to, or causing death.

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qualifyto reduce from a general to a particular or restricted form : modify
biliousof or relating to a yellow or greenish fluid that is secreted by the liver and that aids especially in the emulsification and absorption of fats : of or relating to bile (see bile
spatulaa flat thin implement used especially for spreading or mixing soft substances, scooping, or lifting
eulogistica commendatory oration or writing especially in honor of one deceased
alienateto cause to be estranged : to make unfriendly, hostile, or indifferent especially where attachment formerly existed
girtha band or strap that encircles the body of an animal to fasten something (such as a saddle) on its back
defaultfailure to do something required by duty or law : neglect
iniquitouscharacterized by iniquity
deb\^aclesudden disastrous downfall or defeat; complete disaster
unrulynot readily ruled, disciplined, or managed