GRE Word List


to make greater, more numerous, larger, or more intense

The meaning of the word augment is to make greater, more numerous, larger, or more intense.

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compliancethe act or process of complying to a desire, demand, proposal, or regimen or to coercion
versatileembracing a variety of subjects, fields, or skills
caliberdegree of mental capacity or moral quality
allureto entice by charm or attraction
pulsethe regular expansion of an artery caused by the ejection of blood into the arterial system by the contractions of the heart
languiddrooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion : weak
errantbehaving wrongly
forebodingthe act of one who forebodes
laggardlagging or tending to lag : slow especially compared to others of the same kind
gaffea social or diplomatic blunder