GRE Word List
marked by cute, coquettish, or artful playfulness
The meaning of the word coy is marked by cute, coquettish, or artful playfulness.
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Word | Meaning |
scholarly | of, characteristic of, or suitable to learned persons : learned |
comeback | a sharp or witty reply : retort |
forswear | to make a liar of (oneself) under or as if under oath |
bate | to reduce the force or intensity of : restrain |
shrewd | marked by clever discerning awareness and hardheaded acumen |
pariah | a member of a low caste of southern India |
entreat | to plead with especially in order to persuade : ask urgently |
succumb | to yield to superior strength or force or overpowering appeal or desire |
foray | a sudden or irregular invasion or attack for war or spoils : raid |
braid | to make from braids |