GRE Word List


unwilling to do something contrary to one's ways of thinking : reluctant

The meaning of the word loath is unwilling to do something contrary to one's ways of thinking : reluctant.

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funerealof or relating to a funeral
demoticof, relating to, or written in a simplified form of the ancient Egyptian hieratic writing
parallelextending in the same direction, everywhere equidistant (see equidistant
savanta person of learning
tutelageinstruction especially of an individual
repressto check by or as if by pressure : curb
chagrindisquietude or distress of mind caused by humiliation, disappointment, or failure
ironicrelating to, containing, or constituting irony
placeboa usually pharmacologically inert preparation prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder
extraneousexisting on or coming from the outside