GRE Word List


covering completely or broadly : inclusive

The meaning of the word comprehensive is covering completely or broadly : inclusive.

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energizeto make energetic, vigorous, or active
memorializeto address or petition by a memorial
blotchto mark or mar with blotches
gratuitousnot called for by the circumstances : not necessary, appropriate, or justified : unwarranted
appurtenancesaccessory objects
fatalisma doctrine that events are fixed in advance so that human beings are powerless to change them
plebiscitea vote by which the people of an entire country or district express an opinion for or against a proposal especially on a choice of government or ruler
recapitulateto retell or restate briefly : summarize
exultto be extremely joyful : rejoice
purportto have the often specious appearance of being, intending, or claiming (something implied or inferred)