GRE Word List


to raise trivial and frivolous objection

The meaning of the word cavil is to raise trivial and frivolous objection.

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hazardousinvolving or exposing one to risk (as of loss or harm)
hegemonypreponderant influence or authority over others : domination
burgeonto send forth new growth (such as buds or branches) : sprout
degeneratehaving declined or become less specialized (as in nature, character, structure, or function) from an ancestral or former state
deferencerespect and esteem due a superior or an elder
languishto be or become feeble, weak, or enervated
disputatiousinclined to dispute
vieto strive for superiority : contend
inhibitedto prohibit from doing something
friezea heavy durable coarse wool and shoddy fabric with a rough surface