GRE Word List


an occurrence of an action or situation that is a separate unit of experience : happening

The meaning of the word incident is an occurrence of an action or situation that is a separate unit of experience : happening.

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hypocriticalcharacterized by behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel : characterized by hypocrisy
detrimentalobviously harmful : damaging
conformitycorrespondence in form, manner, or character : agreement
unearthlynot earthly: such as
rhapsodya portion of an epic poem adapted for recitation
arteryany of the tubular branching muscular- and elastic-walled vessels that carry blood from the heart through the body
missivea written communication : letter
indicessigns; indications; Ex. indices of a student's potential; CF. index: something that reveals or indicates; sign; Ex. cost-of-living index