GRE Word List


of, relating to, or characterized by psychopathy

The meaning of the word psychopathic is of, relating to, or characterized by psychopathy.

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ornatemarked by elaborate rhetoric (see rhetoric
impassionedfilled with passion or zeal : showing great warmth or intensity of feeling
spectruma continuum of color formed when a beam of white light is dispersed (as by passage through a prism) so that its component wavelengths are arranged in order
expungeto strike out, obliterate, or mark for deletion
accessiblecapable of being reached
ravinea small narrow steep-sided valley that is larger than a gully and smaller than a canyon and that is usually worn by running water
gustatoryrelating to or associated with eating or the sense of taste
rakishof, relating to, or characteristic of a rake : dissolute
doggerelloosely styled and irregular in measure especially for burlesque or comic effect
warrena place legally authorized for keeping small game (such as hare or pheasant)