GRE Word List


with the exclusion or exception of

The meaning of the word except is with the exclusion or exception of.

Random words

parallelismthe quality or state of being parallel
repastsomething taken as food : meal
habituateto make used to something : accustom
physiognomythe art of discovering temperament and character from outward appearance
ignoblecharacterized by baseness, lowness, or meanness
purgatoryan intermediate state after death for expiatory purification
ballasta heavy substance (such as rocks or water) placed in such a way as to improve stability and control (as of the draft of a ship or the buoyancy of a balloon or submarine)
nectarthe drink of the Greek and Roman gods
flagany of various monocotyledonous plants with long ensiform leaves: such as
wanderluststrong longing for or impulse toward wandering